Thursday, December 2, 2010

MJHS Food Drive

MJHS Student Council
Annual Holiday Food Drive

December 6-17, 2010
All donations will be delivered to Inter Parish Ministry, a non-profit organization that provides for families in need. Students are asked to bring in non-perishable food items to their HOMEROOM during the week of December 6-17th. Homeroom classes will be competing to see who can collect the highest points. The winning 7th and 8th grade homerooms will be awarded a pizza party on Tuesday, December 21, 2010 during lunch.

Points will be awarded based on the type of items collected. Critically needed items will be awarded 2 points each & all other items will earn 1 point. Critically needed items include:
• Peanut Butter/Jelly
• Boxed Dinners and Desserts
• Juice Boxes
• Rice Mixes
• Instant Potatoes
• Spaghetti and Spaghetti Sauce
• Canned Fruit, Canned Meats (ham, chicken, stew), and Canned Sauces
• Stew and Chili
• Boxed Cereals
• Rice, Potato, and Dessert Box mixes.
• Personal care items: (i.e. Toothpaste & Toothbrushes, Deodorant, Shampoo and Conditioner, toilet paper, mouthwash, razors, diapers, and paper towels)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

November Students of the Month

Congratulations to the above students for being recognized as students of the month! Teachers from Tribe Eagle Feathers (7B) and Tribe Dynamite (8B) nominated these students for their efforts in the classroom.

November Tiki Teacher

Mrs. Ferrell is committed to ensuring the success of each student she comes in contact with. She devotes time and effort to helping her students develop a strong work ethic and responsibility for their own words and actions. Mrs. Ferrell has high expectations for her students. She communicates with them how capable they are and how much confidence she has in their ability to succeed. Her classes are challenging and enable students to think critically and deeply.

Mrs. Ferrell firmly believes in communication with parents/guardians and will immediately contact home when there is a concern in order to catch it early. She lets parents know that she is in a partnership with them and the goal is to together facilitate and encourage the child to be their best!

Mrs. Ferrell is a huge asset to Team 7A/Tribe Exile! Her teammates are thankful to be able to work with her everyday! A special thank you to Mrs. Ferrell and her contributions to the students and staff @ MJHS!

PIE Awards

Congratulations to the following students for earning P.I.E. awards this morning:

Ben Reeseman
Maria Mirus
Jacob Brown
Kelly Whitt
Chayton Craig
Spencer Wilson
Dereck Lykins
Jacob Stauffer
Montana Matthews
Gina Lea

We appreciate the efforts from the above students as well as their families! MJHS celebrates progress in education three times a year! A special thank you to PTA for organizing the event!

Friday, November 12, 2010

October Tiki Teacher

Ms. Della Morris
M. J. H. S.

During the dog days of summer, Ms. Morris would come into school with one and two gallon plants, planting soil, shovels and huge trimmers. What was she doing you ask? Creating a beautiful butterfly garden out of an overgrown courtyard. Ms. Morris made flower beds and planted beautiful plants and bushes to attract butterflies. This garden has turned into a lab for our seventh grade teachers and students …students are able to witness the magic of nature first hand. Her students have been exposed to the transformation from the egg to the caterpillar to the chrysalis to the butterfly. The butterflies are then tagged and “set free”. A colleague of Ms. Morris’s stated “It is great to watch the kids as they enter her room and witness the excitement they have for learning”.

Ms. Morris’s students appreciate her creativity. She sometimes creates songs and dances that pertain to the topics that are being covered. This in turn helps her students remember material. She is always bringing in animals and things to share with her students bringing Science to life! Ms. Morris’s students describe her as lively! Even though it is lively and fun, students are learning. If a student does not understand the material, she takes the time to explain to them individually. Ms. Morris truly cares if her students are mastering the material.

Team 7C/Tribe Eaglicious and the staff and students of MJHS thank you for everything you do daily to make MJHS a better place to be! Congratulations!

PTA Family Fest

Family Fest is a MJHS tradition. Has your family set aside the date - March 16, 2011?

The PTA is already making plans for this special night filled with food, competitions, entertainment, raffles and even a book fair this year. If you are a parent who would like to help out - especially with preplanning - contact the co-chairs: Robin ( or Sheelah (

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

October Students of the Month

7th grader Daniel Dieringer
7th grader Emma Habermehl (not pictured)
8th grader Spencer Pachta
8th grader Anne Dalziel